Friday 15 April 2011

Smile! You know you want to!

Reasons to smile:
1. You use less muscles to smile than to frown
2. People are drawn to a smiling person
3. It is contagious
4. It releases endorphins, natural pain killers and seratonin
5. It makes you look younger and more attractive

So put a silly grin on those chops! No excuse, now you know it's healthy for you and others. Everyone smiles in the same language!

Friday 1 April 2011

Bless You!

Why does everyone say 'Bless you' when you sneeze?
Well nowadays it's just plain good manners. But in previous ages people did it in a hope not to catch what ever(the plague or something fatal due to the lack of underdeveloped medical care) the sneezee had, or to ward the sneezee from their soul escaping through their nostrils and a demon getting in! It was said in the bible that God breathed life into Adam through his nostrils, helping the whole myth along quite nicely.

The actual point of sneezing is to rid your nose, the germ and bacteria centre of the body, of irritants on the nasal lining. Ironic isn't it? Good for you, not too amazing if you happen to be in the way...

If you ask me, sneezing is one of the most satisfying sensations I've ever had. On a par with adrenaline rushes etc....